K9 Mambo
K9 Mambo is a Belgian Malinois working dog. He was born in May of 2019 in Mexico, where he began his Law Enforcement Training. He was then moved to the K9 Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. He trained for 3 months before being purchased by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office. We were able to purchase Mambo with drug and seizure money from crimes committed in this county. Deputy Billy Burks was chosen to be Mambo's handler. Deputy Burks was sent to Little Rock, Arkansas to the K9 Academy where he and Mambo trained together to acclimate Mambo to his handler. Mambo is trained and certified in Narcotics Detection, Criminal Apprehension, and Search and Rescue Tracking.
K9 Chill
K9 “Chill” was a nine year old German Shepherd working dog. He was born in the Czech Republic where he began his Law Enforcement training. He was trained for almost a year then moved to North Carolina with Triangle K-9 LLC. We were able to purchase Chill with drug seizure money from crimes committed in this county. Deputy Seahorn was selected to be the K-9 Handler for the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and went through extensive training in North Carolina with Chill for several weeks. After working together for 6 years, Seahorn transferred to Investigations and Deputy Matt Weeks was chosen to become Chill's new handler. Chill was trained and certified in Narcotics Detection, Criminal Apprehension and Search and Rescue Tracking.
Chill was diagnosed in 2019 with cancer and unfortunately succumbed to the illness on July 19, 2020. Chill was a staple of the community and loved by the children in the county schools. Chill made multiple visits a year to see the students and help build a relationship between the youth and law enforcement, as well as helping check the schools for safety. Chill could bring a smile to anyone, stopping by the office to see the staff or helping comfort a child that had a traumatic experience, he would always make the saddest of days better. Deputy Chill will be greatly missed by our family and his faithful service to our community will never be forgotten.
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